Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety

Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety

Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety image

As Tork Clamp company, it is our main duty to meet the demands and expectations of our customers in accordance with international standards in all our activities without jeopardizing  occupational health and safety, protect the environment, maintain energy efficiency, ensure information security and fulfill all legal and other requirements that we are responsible for. Accordingly, the Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety management system in our company covers all the requirements of TS EN ISO 14001 standards and conducts all processes in accordance with this standard.

As Tork Clamp family, protecting the environment and the health of our employees  is a vital priority to us. In line with this priority we declare and commit to the following:

  • Identifying and preventing OHS and environmental risks,
  • Raising the awareness of all our employees and subcontractors,
  • Ensuring the continuous improvement and sustainability of OHS and Environmental performance within the framework of the management system with the participation of all our employees,
  • Keeping the environmental impact of our wastes under control,
  • Complying with the laws and regulations regarding the Environment, Occupational Health and Safety,
  • Delivering all our employees to their families in good health by providing safe working environments,
  • Prevent environmental pollution and develop ourselves in this direction and come to the best possible level with the awareness that our children will inherit the environment we live in.